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Showing posts from August, 2021

Reflection. August 31, 2021

   Today in 3rd block I presented my origin myth. The title of my myth was “Lost, Love, and learn” . It was about a eighteen year old girl name Lomasi coming of age. I wasn’t really nervous about presenting because I enjoy getting up infront of people and talking. My final grade for my presentation is 100.

Reflection.August 30, 2021

 Today class was okay. I broke my phone she I didn’t have a phone to distract me. We read a poem that I actually liked. It was called “we real cool”. I thought it was very interesting. It was about 7 teenagers doing the wrong thing. The theme of it was your actions can result in server consequences. Lastly we answer ten questions about the poem.

Friday. August 27, 2021

    So today was horrible. I was so excited about writing my origin myth. Then I realized the reality of it. My teacher said we had to include animals, volcanoes, and all kinds of crazy stuff. I do not like stuff like this at all. I didn’t even know where to start. So I got so frustrated and mad that I stand in the corner for about a good 10 minutes to get myself together. Hopefully I can do this assignment. PRAY FOR ME.

Thursday. August 26, 2021

   Today, class was ok. My teacher assigned us a new assignment. We have to write our own origin myth. I got really excited. Next Mr. Rease showed us how to creat a character. As a class, we created two characters. Then we worked on our myths.

Creative writing


Reflection. Monday August 23, 2021

 Today was the worst and most boring day in 3rd period so far. I just did not enjoy the lesson at all. First we went over Native American culture. Then we read a poem about native Americans. I did not like the story and I felt like it was really  hard to understand. Even though I didn’t like the lesson I still learned a few things. I learn what a myth and origin myth is. I hope tomorrow be more interesting.

Reflection. Friday August 20, 2021

   Today in 3rd block, we took a assessment over all the Langston Hughes poems we have been reading all week. I scored a 92 on it which is good. I knew i was going to do good, because i have such a great teacher. Even though i don't like poems i still did good on it. Next week Mr. Rease said we will begin on short stories, i can't wait. I like short stories way better then poams.

Reflection. Thursday August 19, 2021

 Today 3rd period was fun like always. It was Thursday, my teacher stated that he will never introduce anything new on Thursdays. There for we started the class off with two review kahoot games. I came in 2nd. Later we just worked in the work book which was kinda difficult but I still finished it,

Reflection Wednesday August 18, 2021

 Today in 3rd period we read another poem by Langston Hughes. This time, we were put into groups & had to read and analyze the poem with our group. My groups poem was called refugee from freedom. It talked about the worth of freedom and liberty for African Americans. I learned what civil liberties are. One important civil liberty is freedom of speech.

Reflection Tuesday. August 17, 2021

   Today in 3rd period we read another poem by Langston Hughes titled “I too”. This poem was a response to another man name Walt Whitman. Langston believe that Walt’s poem left of the mention of black people. In Langston poem the theme in my opinion was to believe in yourself. I didn’t really enjoy the poem because like I said in yesterday’s reflection I hate reading poems.

Reflection Monday. August 16, 2021

 Today on this beautiful Monday in 3rd period, first we went over unit 1 and some content we will be getting into soon. Next we read a poem written by Langston Hughes. It was about blacks people and rivers. I didn’t really enjoy it because I don’t like poems, I can never understand them. Lastly we answered 10 questions about the poem. 

Reflection August 12, 2021

   The lesson in 3rd period was very interesting today. I learned that, it can be a purpose for reading. We read a passage titled “The House”. Which was about to boys skipping school and was describing the house they were in. Our assignment was to first pretend as if we were robing the house and underline details that stood out about the home. Next we had to do the same thing, but with a different purpose. The next purpose was to act as if I was buying a house. Lastly we went over the difference between formal and informal language. Formal language is more classy and you would use in a profession and informal is more unprofessional and you would use it with your friend.

Reflection August 11, 2021

   Today in 3rd period American lit, i learned about temptation and how it feels to be tempted. In my bellringer I connected a time I felt tempted in a real world situation. Next, I took notes about component of a text. Examples include poetry, novels, and holy bible. Lastly we read a poem by Tupac named “restiste a temptation”. It connected with what we were learning about.


 My name is Madison Leigh-Ann Ponder. I like to watch homecoming by beyonce and get cute. I was born in Albany Ga, but moved to Atlanta when I was ten. I am in the 11th grade and I attend Cedar Grove high school in Ellenwood GA. I do like this school, but I’m just trying to graduate in 2023. Some hobbies are singing, eating & dressing up.