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Showing posts from November, 2021

Reflection. Tuesday November 30, 2021

    Today class and school was okay. In 4th block we had a very interesting topic. We opened the class with a bell ringer saying have you ever thought of killing someone. Then we read a story that connected to it. Lastly we answered questions that relates to both. The story was very interesting and I learned something new in class like always. We are on the road to the EOC.

Reflection. Monday November 29, 2021

    Today was the first day back from thanksgiving break. I have Literally 3 weeks left in this semester. I hope to end it strong. I’m 3rd block we are going over how to get ready for the final exam and the end of course test. I hope I do good. Mr. rease has been a very good teacher 

Reflection. Thursday November 18, 2021

    Today was a very interesting day. My teacher wasn’t here for 3rd period so we really didn’t learn anything knew. The substitute we had was very cool. She told us stories about her past life that was very interesting. 4th block was fun, this rapper name young dolph passed away so we played his music all day .

Reflection. Tuesday November 16, 2021

     Today was a very different day. I had to represent my engineering teacher in the career fair today. It was okay for the most part. At the end it got a little crazy. Since I didn’t had to do that, I didn’t go to none of my real classes today. I heard we have a project in 3rd block. I am not looking forward to it, because I have to dress up as nettie from the color purple.

Reflection. Monday November 15, 2021

    Today was the first day of really getting prepared for the EOC. Mr. rease gave us this packet to help. I feel like I have potential to make a good score on the end of course assignment. Even though I do not like test and I hardly never pass them. I had a good teacher this fall for American literature.

Reflection. Thursday November 11, 2021

   Today was a very boring day in class. We had to take a post assignment. I feel half good and half bad about it. The first part and passage was kinda hard and confusing. The second part was a little easier. Tomorrow I will finish it and I will be doing the long writing part.

Reflection. Wednesday November 10, 2021

   Today was a very good day in class. We a online assembly on a zoom call. The assembly was about ways these people can help us with school stuff. It was very interesting and I asked many questions. When that was over, we had basically a free day in class. I used my time wisely and catched up on missing work. 

Reflection. Tuesday November 9, 2021

   Today in class we talked about black owned businesses. We learned about different places in Atlanta. Mr. rease gave us a assignment where we have to make a PowerPoint & tell about different places owned by black people. I actually liked this lesson better then the other one we did yesterday. I felt like it was very interesting.

Reflection. Monday November 8, 2021

    Today I did not like the lesson in 3rd block. We talked about HBCUS and Black Lives Matter. I don’t have nothing against the two topics I actually agree with them, I just didn’t like the conversation. I plan on going to a HBCU called Clark Atlanta once I graduate high school. I am going to study English. I hope tomorrow we have a more interesting topic to talk about.

Reflection. Thursday November 4, 2021

    Today is horrible. We had to stay in our first period class for the whole entire day. This was because I go to a bad school and the students don’t know how to act. In class I just caught up with all my work so I can maintain my good grades. The good thing today is that we don’t have school tomorrow. The baseball team in Atlanta won so they canceled school.

Reflection. Wednesday November 3, 2021

    Today was very boring. In me. Re re class we finished reading this love poem. I usually like things dealing with love but I did not like this. After that we did a elimination activity. I liked that and feel it will be very helpful when I do test. Tomorrow my teacher will not be here.

Reflection. Tuesday November 2, 2021

    Today schools were closed. They call it teachers work day, there for I’m at home. Some of my teachers put in grades. I have all As and is very proud of myself. Today my mom is Alonso going to make me a bank account. I cannot wait to start saving and managing my own money.

Reflection. November 1, 2021

   Today is the first of the month. Yesterday was Halloween. I had fun with my nieces and nephews. I also went to work all weekend and made me some money, I’m hoping for a positive and great rest of the year. In mr. re re class we read the color purple and did a assignment.

Reflection. Thursday October 28, 2021

   Today was one of the worst school days so far. I had a big problem going on. I had to have a meeting with dr. Evans. I really don’t even want to think about it. Anyways I’m not going to let that ruined my day. I’m going home, going to have some good food and sleep good. Talk to y’all tomorrow.

Reflection. Wednesday October 27, 2021

   Today was a okay day. I was not as tired as I was yesterday. I also wore this cute outfit and a new purse. I came in first place in lagoon in physics. I was very happy cause that class is really hard. In mr. re re class we read the color purple. I can honestly say it’s one of the best books I ever read. Minus the nasty parts.